Darkside of a Fairy Tale

Fantasy portrait shoots are some of the most creative and fun environments to work in. The ability to take a small spark of an idea and letting it ignite into any number of possibilities is a thing of beauty. No boundary, just imagine and create your vision. I previously reached out to a model, Niccole Perkins, about doing a possible photo session. I was looking to doing a fantasy shoot, something I love to do. Beforehand, I saw her gallery and I noted this gorgeous dark and beautiful palette she presented and wanted to see if there was any way the two of us could work out something that would fit into her spectrum. She accepted - which was a sigh of relief and also came up with the idea of doing a darker version of fairy tale; Snow White.

The images we ended up creating were gorgeous. The dark dress, the black and red bouquets, and her own aesthetic really made everything pop into place. We shot in a park area, luckily Spring hasn’t sprung yet so a lot of the greenery hasn’t become abundant and the trees haven’t fully sprouted any greenery. It was perfect. I also spent time creating a specific preset of color tones for post editing specifically for this shoot that worked so well with highlighting the reds and keeping the blacks really tack sharp against her skin tone. Though it’s a darker take, it’s still just as sweet and beautiful. I will keep looking at these images for a while, because she did so well, happily proud of Niccole for bringing an A+ game to the table. Looking forward to the next photography session we do, just as long as she allows me to keep bugging her about it <3

Credit: Niccole on Instagram